Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Your Genes Are Not Your Fate

     Your genes seem like the only thing that's set in stone; they're written into your very being the moment you start becoming a person. And what would you do if I told you that there are ways you can slightly alter what's supposedly written in stone? Well, there's a way.

     In this TED talk by Dean Ornish, he talks about how through certain changes in lifestyle, you can change your genes in a similar way to how I previously talked about helping prevent and ward off cancerous tumors. If you do things such as manage stress, eat healthy, "love more", as he said, your brain gets more blood flow and oxygen, which helps it grow. Chocolate, tea and blueberries are some of the foods he mentioned that may help your brain grow more brain cells, and therefore you get healthier skin that doesn't wrinkle as fast, and even reverse heart disease. And you can pass these healthier genes onto your children.

     My reaction to this video is a little bit of surprise; I thought that if you had a certain gene, you can't help but have your skin wrinkle at an earlier age, or a later age. And it's kind of interesting that the increase of blood flow and brain cell growth can have a positive influence. I've always heard things about eating certain foods for healthier skin, but he put science behind it and conducted tests. I think that's it's pretty interesting that you can slightly alter your genes in your favor. I'd want to look into that some more and see more tests and statistics and get a better understanding of what he was talking about.

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